Thursday, July 29, 2021

Super Kid

Tomorrow I will be officially halfway through chemo! 

I am so freaking excited I can barely stand it! 

Seriously, I want today over so I can get in that damn chair and Get. It. Done!!! 

I wish I could say it was all smooth sailing so far but that would be a lie. 

Monday, I woke up with this horrible pinching pain near my port. 

It is really bad. 

I went back to the doctor at Interventional Radiology who did an ultrasound. He couldn't see anything wrong. 

Then I went to the Oncologist who also couldn't find anything wrong. 

She sent me for a CT Scan that also shows nothing wrong. 

I'm in pain for no freaking reason. 

The only thing anyone said that makes sense is there might be scar tissue on a nerve. 

Maybe...all I know is that the pain comes and goes intermitently and is beyond annoying. 

The nausea hasn't been bad. It's been contollable with Zofran twice a day. 

The diarrhea, no so much.

Originally I was taking 1/2 and Imodium a day. Then it was a whole one on certain days now it's daily. 

It usually works but some days are worse than others. 

The Sunday after my third treatment I took my Nexium, Zofran and Imodium while getting ready in the morning then headed to church. 

That afternoon we were planning on attending a birthday party for one of the boys' friends. 

Well, you know that "rumbly" feeling you get in your guy when your stomach isn't right?

Yeah, despite taking Imodium that morning, that feeling was still there. 

I really wanted to go to the party but didn't want to get stuck in this family's bathroom so I took another. 


I ended up constipated! 

It's a delicate balance because my system is literally being assaulted weekly and I react differently each time. 

My Oncologist described it like a boxing match. 

When the fight starts the boxers can take a hit and keep going but round after round their recovery time is longer and longer. 

That's what's happening with me. 

The good news is that the constipation only lasted about three days. The bad news is that I ended up stuck in the Walmart bathroom for about 30 minutes. 

Nope, can't make this up! 

The list of side effects is pretty long. 

Tummy issues, fatigue, hair loss, steroid high, steroid acne, blotchy face, and nose bleeds. 

I anticipated most of them but the nose bleeds caught me by surprise. 

They are crazy annoying, happen at the worst times and are competely unpredictable. 

Nose bleeds happen while driving down the road, brushing my teeth, talking to the neighbor, walking down the stairs, walking up the stairs, talking on the phone, lying in bed, etc. 

Pretty much whenever. 

Everyone in the house is used to me walking around with a tissue randomly jammed up a nostril and two friends have suggested using tampons if it gets out of hand. 

It's been an interesting few weeks to say the least. 

The boys attended gymnastics camp this week. Each day they've had a theme. 

Yesterday was superhero day. 

When I asked the boys what they wanted to do Daniel replied, "I want a picture of you." 


He knows every DC and Marvel Character. 

Like, really knows them! Give him a name and he can tell you what they are. 

I was expecting one of those...not me. 

I was floored. 

He had me print a picture of myself, without hair, and attach it to his t-shirt with clear packing tape.  

He was so proud! 

He even won 10 Jolly Ranchers for best shirt! 

What an amazing, sweet, compassionate, insightful little man. 

I don't feel much like a superhero, unless pooping is suddenly a super power, but I sure am one proud momma of a really super kid. 

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