Knowing my hair was going to fall out I had been postponing getting it cut but, last week, I couldn't take it any longer and headed to our local Great Clips to have it cut off.
I knew it! I knew that once I paid to get my hair cut it would fall out. It's like going through the car was and then getting caught in the rain.
$35 down the drain!
This past Sunday I stepped out of the shower, toweled off and tried to dry my hair. I say tried because when I rubbed it with the towel it rained down.
I had to clean out the bathroom sink three times.
I knew that I was going to have to shave it off but I wanted to go to church so I put a ton of gel into it, got dressed and headed out.
Think about that for a second...I literally glued my hair to my head before leaving the house.
By the time I got home my hair was coming out by the handfuls and the gel was decorating my shoulders like I had the worst case of dandruff in the world.
And of course I was wearing a black dress. Eeeeeew!
I had told the boys that when it was time they could shave my head.
Fortunately my BFF and her hubby were coming over for lunch.
Good thing too.
The kids buzzed me in the most random directions leaving me looking like something that just escaped from an insane asylum.
At one point we took a break to let the clippers cool down and I went in the house to see just how bad I looked. I opened the back door and stepped into the kitchen. Glenn took one look at me and said, "Oh good they let you out."
Bwhahahahaha! Oh how I love that man! was that bad!
To refer to the experience as hysterical would be an understatement.
Because I work with food for a living I couldn't risk having tiny buzzed hairs falling out all day long so, off to the shower I went to shave my head.
To be honest, I've secretly wanted to shave my head ever since seeing Demi Moore in GI Jane in 1997!
Aaaaah the freedom.
Let's be honest here, I could have done it any time during my life but now I have the best excuse, right?!We made a video of the Great Buzzing.
Hope it puts a smile on your face.
Most of this week I have just rocked the bald head, it's summertime, it's hot and my damn scalp still itches. I have some summer weight beanies that a friend sent but I also forget to put them on!
Earlier this week I had to run to Costco for supplies. I was about halfway there when I realized I had forgotten my beanie. Whatever, I wasn't about to turn around and go get it so, I just rocked the bald head.
I jokingly whispered to the kids that I thought people were staring at me. Daniel replied, "Well, they are." LOL!
Can we talk about bald ladies? Why is it ok for men to be bald but women need hats, wigs, scarves, turbans etc?
How many times do you hear a woman say, "I'd cut my hair but my husband loves it long."
Guys, can you please stop pressuring the women in your lives to grow their hair? We know you like it long.
Fun fact: most of us do too.
Truly, I can count on one hand the number of guys that prefer short hair over long.
You don't need to state it...constantly.
I once had a man tell me he'd leave me if I ever cut my hair. If i'd know how good it was going to be without him, I'd have done it years earlier. Ha!
While you may see it as "stating an opinion," we receive it as pressure.
What you are doing is setting us up to feel ugly and threatened with abandonment if we ever lose our hair.
According to the Mayo Clinic (click the link for the full article) there six primary reasons for female hair loss:
- Family history (heredity).
- Hormonal changes and medical conditions.
- Medications and supplements.
- Radiation therapy to the head.
- A very stressful event.
- Hairstyles and treatments.
You can't tell your partner that you love her "no matter what" and that she's "beautiful no matter what" when you've been telling her for years that you loved her hair.
I'm sorry but...
I love you but...
That's really good but...
In statements like this, everything after but is bullshit!
The worst I've heard, from another cancer patient, was when her husband told her that he, "loved her but missed her hair."
What he was telling her was that he loved her, but he didn't and that's bullshit!
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