With twins well, all I can say is I'm really glad I took a plethora of pictures. I barely remember any of it!
After the boys were born our first outing without them was to buy our Christmas tree. My mom came to the house while we ran to the local hardware store and purchased our tree from a Boy Scout Pack.
My mom laughed at us when we returned.
The next year we went to a local tree farm with the boys in their double jogging stroller. It was a little hilly and tough to navigate but the large wheels on the stroller made it easier.
We were out of there very quickly. It was nice but not very memorable.
The following year we found Spruce Grove Tree Farm.
There was a tractor with trailer and hay bales in it that took us to and from the areas where the trees were ready.
There was an old fashioned sleigh for pictures, hot chocolate in the office and wreaths for sale in the barn.
Frank, the owner, is one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He was so excited to have the kids there and made us feel like family.
We didn't just show up, cut down a tree and go home.
We had an experience.
We've returned to Spruce Grove every year since and it just gets better and better.
This year the kids even got to try using the saw. It was so exciting for them to actually take part in cutting down the tree!
Daniel even yelled, "TIMBER!"
Well he got to about "Ti.." when it was down but it was exciting none-the-less.
I don't remember when, but years ago Frank added a fire pit and free marshmallows for toasting.
In fact, every year get's better and better. This year he added a small scale model train that the kids could ride, a huge tree swing as well as food for sale along with the usual popcorn and hot chocolate.
The sleigh has been moved to a place of prominence. The barn now has one of each species of evergreen available for sale and an employee reviews the trees with the customers so you know which field to go to. Wreaths are now in a temporary outbuilding along with other seasonal decor for sale.
Santa, with a real beard, was there for pictures and it didn't cost a dime!
Three years ago our nephew and his new wife came to go tree hunting with us. They didn't know that they were going to buy one but decided that they had to have the perfect tree for their first Christmas as Mr. & Mrs.
They have been coming back every year since.
As we were sitting around the fire pit today, my niece sighed. I looked at her and asked if she was ok and she said, "This is just such a cool place."
I agree.
We were there for two hours.
What was an experience is now a tradition.
We all have traditions. Some are carried out with enthusiasm others with eye-rolls.
I love traditions. Not just "that's the way we've always done it" stuff that comes with requisite eye-rolling but true traditions.
On Christmas morning we open stockings (ours are wrapped) then have breakfast before opening the presents. It keeps the day from rushing into a blur of torn wrapping paper. As a kid, I didn't like waiting to open my gifts.
As an adult, I love it.
Maybe it's because I'm getting older and know that time is fleeting.
I want to enjoy time with family, play games, go to aquariums, shows, movies, etc. and talk about how much fun we had.
Honestly, I just want to slow down.
There was a time in my life where stuff was my driving force. I thought that's what we were supposed to do.
Now I care about quality not quantity.
I don't want stuff that needs regular dusting, I want memories like the ones we made today.
We agreed we need to do this every year... forever.
It's a tradition.
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