This was never more obvious than the day I cleaned up their play tent and put it away in the hall closet.
They came down from naps and asked where the tent was. I explained that I had cleaned and put it away in the coat closet.

I made a hard "c"sound and said, "Not goat closet, coat closet." Which prompted David to ask, "Why is it called a coat closet?"
Evidently a 'goat closet' makes more sense.
I have been trying to get the boys to do more hands on things and have discovered that they love things with small stick on parts or just plain stickers that go in coordinated places in books. Finding crafts appropriate for three-year-olds can be difficult but AC Moore seems to have a pretty good selection.
It's gotten better recently but for about two months getting David to wear anything other than pajamas was a nightmare. He'd end up in tears and I would be beyond frustrated that he didn't want to get changed. I thought that everyone would think I was some sort of failure as a mom for allowing my child to leave the house in anything less than real clothing.
I'm over that now but at the time it seemed important.
But I digress...
If you have kids you know what a pain it can be to keep anything that resembles a schedule. I wanted to get out of the house, do the shopping, have lunch, get the crafts and get home.
David wanted to kick, cry and scream because I wanted him in clean clothes.
I had already told them that we were going to the craft store that day but he was being so difficult that I began to bargain and, yes even bribe, telling him that we were going to have lunch and he'd get to pick out his cookie.
He perked right up and said, "And then we're getting crap."
Wait, what?!
I panicked and replied, "We're not getting crap." He said, "Yes we are. You said we are going to the crap store today."
The image of AC Moore flashed into my brain and I quickly corrected his pronunciation.
Evidently between coats and crafts I lack a bit in my ability to enunciate.
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