That’s the number of attempts it takes me to accomplish just
about anything. For instance: This morning I needed to get the power cord for
my laptop out of the office upstairs so that I could work at the kitchen table while the
boys played in the creatively named “playroom.”
As I headed up the stairs I noticed a dirty onsie by the
changing table, which reminded me that I had forgotten to switch the laundry
over in the basement. I took the dirty onsie downstairs, started the next load of laundry and
headed upstairs to fold the stuff from the dryer. I got to the top of the
stairs and realized that the stuff I needed to fold was sitting on top of the
dryer...where I'd left it. Oh hell! Down I went again to get the dry clothes, which I
always fold in the living room.
I don’t like the basement. It’s not finished and I am afraid
of spiders – that’s a story for another post – anyway…I finished folding the
laundry and remembered that I still needed my power cord so I headed up the
stairs again. I have no flipping idea
what I did while I was up there but I definitely did not get the power cord.
When I got back to the kitchen I opened my computer only to discover that it was dead.
I needed the power cord.
Three tries and load of laundry later, I have my power cord
and I am writing.
I can’t even blame the kids, they were playing all by
themselves and being the wonderful, amazing, perfect little cherubs that they
Now if I could only remember what I was going to work on!
Too funny - we count to three every time we go to leave the house... we come back in three times for things we forget... It only gets worse over 50!